Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sag Harbor

Tuesday, August 2:  We set out around 7:45 am from Watch Hill for Sag Harbor, NY.  It was a bright sunny, cool morning, with light N wind at around 5 to 10 kt.  As we sailed SW across Long Island Sound, the wind would come and go – sometimes allowing us to sail without the engines and sometimes dying away requiring us to motor sail. 

Our route, today, is only about 30 nautical miles, so we could afford to keep the engines off more than usual, when the wind was light.  We had a pleasant sail.

Compared to the weekend, the big difference today was that there were very few boats on the water.  We never saw more than a handful at one time – nothing like the zoo on Saturday and Sunday.  

Stephanie had reserved two mooring balls for us at Sag Harbor.  When we arrived in early afternoon, the dockmaster informed her that all the mooring balls inside the harbor were full, but there were some additional balls in an exposed area just outside the main harbor’s breakwater that we could have.  If the winds were strong, this location could have been very choppy and uncomfortable, but the winds today and tonight are expected to continue light, so we didn’t expect any problems.

Once we were securely tied up to the mooring ball, we dinghyed to shore and explored Sag Harbor on foot, with Stephanie & Lance.  We saw a lot of expensive cars, including a Bentley convertible and a Mazaratti.

By now the day felt hot – especially so, being on land and in the sun – so after our walking exploration, we stopped at an outdoor waterside bar for refreshments.  After cooling off a  little, we started looking for a nice place for dinner.  We decided on the Beacon.  It was expensive, but good.

We dinghyed back to MerSea for wine and dessert, while we watched a spectacular sunset.  A thin sliver of moon soon set, as well. 

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