Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Settling Into A Routine

Wednesday, July 27:  My first watch this morning was 3 to 6 am.  The visibility was much better than last night and cooler and dryer.  So much so that I was looking for long pants and a long sleeved shirt.  The wind was light to moderate and the sea was much calmer.  We were sailing on a broad reach.

I just enjoyed the peaceful night, watching distant traffic and looking at the stars.

Our maximum distance offshore for this trip was 60 miles.  I was hoping that our cell phone and internet service would work at least 10 or 20 miles offshore, but in fact, we lost the signal at around 5 miles out.  Consequently, we had no connection with the outside world for most of our offshore passage.

Daytime brought continued good weather with light to moderate wind that had clocked around until we were close hauled.  We determined that we were likely to get to Block Island before sunrise on Thursday, so we continued sailing, even when the wind was light and the boat was going more slowly, so we could arrive in daylight.

During my 9 pm to midnight watch this evening, I was looking up at the stars….and saw a small meteor streaking across the sky!

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